Caffeine Prior to Exercise Helps Burn Fat


eMediNexus    26 March 2021

Intake of caffeine, or drinking strong coffee, half an hour prior to doing aerobic exercise can escalate fat-burning, suggests a new study.

The effects of caffeine appear to be higher if the exercise is done in the afternoon as compared to when it is done in the morning, reported the authors in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. It was noted that taking caffeine 30 minutes before aerobic exercise increased fat oxidation during exercise, irrespective of the time of day. The rate of fat-burning was found to be higher in the afternoon compared to morning for equal hours of fasting. Additionally, in comparison with placebo, caffeine was found to raise fat oxidation by 10.7% in the morning and 29% in the afternoon. Caffeine also had an impact on exercise intensity, increasing it by 11% in the morning and 13% in the afternoon… (Medscape) 

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